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Transform to IFC

First Results

This reads an ifcJSON file and convert it to IFC(STEP file). This is a critically important to evaluate the success of filtering or enhancing the model as it provides a way to vizualize the results with an IFC viewer.

It has been use in different scenarios

  1. Roundtrip
    • convert an IFC(STEP file) to a jsonIFC
    • convert back the jsonIFC to an IFC(STEP file) using JSON2IFC
    • it should be the same as the original one
    • there are, for the moment, some issues that are documented hereafter
  2. Filter and visualize the changes
    • convert an IFC(STEP file) to a jsonIFC
    • filter the ifcJSON
    • store the filtered model in the DB
    • read it from the DB and write an ifcJSON based on the data from the DB
    • convert the jsonIFC to an IFC(STEP file) using JSON2IFC
    • it should show the changes: in our scenario, we dropped the furnitures in the spaces and they are indeed not present anymore
  3. Extract a 'Spatial Unit' (starting with an IfcBuildingStorey)
    • select data from the database to keep only the data that are relevant for the IfcBuildingStorey
    • create an ifcJSON with the data
    • convert the jsonIFC to an IFC(STEP file) using JSON2IFC
    • it should show the result: data from the 'Spatial Unit' (starting with an IfcBuilding)
  4. As we create other scenarios, we will provide variations on those cases.

Issues (will need a follow-up)


The model(s) loose some features. For the most Viewers (OpenIfcViewer, That Open, BIMcollab Zoom), the models have apparently lost the style (color) of the walls and slabs and windows and transparency is lost. We can't see through the windows glass anymore. However, with Solibri Anywhere, the problem is not apparent.


There are other 'unknown issues' with LARGE_MODEL_20210219Architecture.ifc. After an hour it was still busy. The issue is probably linked to the issue we had with NO_INVERSE = False in IFC2JSON.

View with BIMcollab of Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc after filtering

The problem with the color and transparecy is manifest. It may be that the loss happens early at the IFC2JSON transformation. Anyhow needs to be investigated.

TODO: Apparently, there is also an issue with the openings (under Unregistered items).

Bimcollab display of Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc after filtering

Bimcollab display of Level 1 of Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc after filtering

On Level 1, we can see that the furnitures have been removed by he filtering.

We can also observe an anomaly in the display of Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc with walls above the first level being displayed as belonging to the first level. Actually, the are erroneously defined as part of Level 1 i the original file!

View with Solibri of Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc after filtering

Solibri display of Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc after filtering

View with BIMcollab of IFC_Schependomlaan.ifc after the filtering

We observe the same issues as for the Duplex: colors and transparency have been lost.

The filtering removed the following elements types:

  • Distribution Element(s)
  • Other(s) [IfcBuildingElementProxy] for the mailboxes and other items
  • Pipe Segment [IfcPipeSegment]

Bimcollab display of IFC_Schependomlaan.ifc after filtering

View with Solibri Anywhere of IFC_Schependomlaan.ifc after the filtering

Solibri display of IFC_Schependomlaan.ifc after filtering

Additionally, the spaces are all listed with Solibri and not with some of the other viewers (OpenIFCViewer, That Open, BIMCollab Zoom).

View with BIMcollab of ARK_NordicLCA_Housing_Concrete_BuildingPermit_Revit.ifc after the filtering

Bimcollab display of ARK_NordicLCA_Housing_Concrete_BuildingPermit_Revit.ifc after filtering

View with Solibri Anywhere of ARK_NordicLCA_Housing_Concrete_BuildingPermit_Revit.ifc after the filtering

Solibri display of ARK_NordicLCA_Housing_Concrete_BuildingPermit_Revit.ifc after filtering